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LEGO Mclaren P1LEGO Mclaren P1


LEGO SimbaLEGO Simba


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LEGO Orchid flowerLEGO Orchid flower


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Adults welcome

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LEGO roller skatesLEGO roller skates

3 in 1 70s vibes

build a roller skate toy and rebuild it into a colorful retro mini skateboard with 4 moving wheels or a retro boom box radio with a small antenna.

LEGO buildingLEGO building

Immersive project for adults

Packed with iconic details, this addition to the Modular Buildings series houses an array of brick-built exhibits, including a brachiosaurus skeleton that towers through an atrium up to the museum’s 2nd floor.

LEGO Mercedes F1 CarLEGO Mercedes F1 Car

F1 Fans, this is for you

Racing drivers call it the zone. A state of super-concentration needed to perform at breathtaking speed. Now it’s time for you to get in the zone as you channel that same focus to build it.

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